We were going to hire out the drywall finishing for our basement remodel, then my husband suggested I might enjoy it. “It’s an art….” he said. Hmmm, art huh? I know this is his subtle way of trying to get me to do something he doesn’t want to do… but he is right. It’s like sculpture. Also, drywallers aren’t cheap and if I can learn it, I am essentially paying myself and our family while investing in our home. I believe Proverbs 14:1 literally and figuratively is true.

The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.

Proverbs 14:1

I found Home RenoVision DIY‘s video series on the whole process to be an awesome crash course and laid out everything I needed to know to proceed.

It’s 100% an art.

My husband was right, it is an art. It requires a steady hand, attention to detail, and the patience to follow through with a time consuming process. It also takes a fair amount of physical strength to pull mounds of mud over a wall to a smooth consistency, especially when working on the ceiling.

Sanding Drywall

When it came time to sand, I had no idea what I was getting myself into and the sandstorm that was about to be created. Personal protection gear and containment was mandatory.

When you think you’re done, you can shine a light along the surface of the wall and see everything you missed. At that point I start pretending I’m the karate kid and picture Mr. Miyagi yelling “wax on wax off! Wax on, wax off!” And it gets me through. Thank you for never letting me give up, Mr. Miyagi. 😂

Worth Doing Your Own Drywall?

I would say a reluctant yes. I knew when we bought this old mid-century house there would be a million projects, and it has not disappointed. It means I get to learn new skills. I get to learn the processes of how walls are built and tile is installed and how things come together in my beautiful home. The peace of mind and ease of buying a brand new tract home is not lost on me, but then again I’ve always liked things with “character”, or at least that is what I console myself with while I wax on, wax off!

DIY Drywall